Celestial Lunar Method


Radical Self-Trust

18 - 1x1 - sessions


2 emergency sessions

Chakra Astrology

Radical Self Trust

Breaking Business Blocks

6 month coaching

This program is made in such a way that we will dive into the depths of your natal chart. Radically step into Self - Trust as you create the life of your dreams.

Every planet is aligned to a chakra and we will look into the planet, heal the chakra and radically shift self sabotaging beliefs as you step into RADICAL SELF TRUST!

This program is for high achieving women and is an investment into yourself. It was originally created as my Breaking Business Blocks Program. The name was changed when I added the Success With The Moon Classes into the mix.

It is a mixture of 60 minute 1x1 sessions with me as we do a thorough self sabotage release and dive into your natal chart while you also utilize the group sessions with SWTM.

You will receive support as you confidently break down the barriers that are keeping you from the success in business, marriage and life.

Success With The Moon



Full Moon Group Sessions

New Moon Group Sessions

Access to the previous 6 months recordings

1 - 60 minute Monthly Session


SRT & Emotion Code

Success With The Moon sessions

If you are ready to have Radical Success Following the moon cycles. These 6 sessions are for you. On top of the free Bi-monthly, group classes. You will have a monthly 60 minute session with me.

This is a 6 month package as we take you through every single house in your natal chart as you plant seeds and deweed the excess in your life.

We will meet 1x1 monthly to make sure you are staying on track and we will focus on beliefs or emotions very specific to you and your natal chart.

  • 6 month PIF Discount $990 thats $198 saved!

Emotional Energetic Release


Energy Only

Emotion Code

Subconscious Release Technique

Ancestral / Generational Healing

Guide Work

30 minute sessions

Energy Only

Are you looking to let go of your Anxiety, fear, emotional Baggage, CPTSD, Your HEARTWALL, stress and Self Sabotaging beliefs?

Are you wanting to let go of generational wounds and past life grievances? I can help you specifically do just that.

There is no need to discuss the details of your past to let go of the baggage of your past.

If you are looking for only SRT or Emotion Code you can find those packages here. They are priced separately than my programs that include astrology.

All sessions will be 30 minutes - You will schedule the first session on my calendar and then we will schedule the rest together.

  • Remove Emotional & Mental Trauma from the past

  • Removing the Heart Wall so you feel in touch with your inner self & purpose

  • Easing feelings of anxiety and depression caused by past emotional trauma

  • Help you get clear on your life purpose and dreams

  • Address Childhood Emotional Trauma

  • Improve Self -Esteem

  • Address Self-Sabotage in the following areas - finance, career, health & relationships

  • Eliminate or reduce chronic pain caused by suppressed emotional trauma

  • Release Generational Trauma

  • Pay as you go: $125 per session

  • 5 Session Package: Buy 4 get 1 Free

  • 12 Session Package: $25 off per session - Save $300 - Total $1200

- Jennifer Stirling LFA

"I have worked with many life coaches, energy workers, and therapists over the years, and experience has shown me that every practitioner has unique gifts. I have also noticed that some practitioners seem more or less affective, "in-tune," or pure (of intention) than others. I believe Aubrey's gifts are so potent and powerful because of her faith, divine perspective, and ability to love her clients so unconditionally. When I started working with her, I had been struggling to remedy tension in my jaw (TMJ) for years--with some improvement--but no lasting relief. After one clearing session with Aubrey, my jaw relaxed, and I've experienced substantial relief ever since. I have also noticed a significant increase in my ability to maintain composure in stressful situations. No longer am I losing my temper, yelling, or having "bad days" when life kicks me off balance. In other words, responding to difficult situations in love is WAY easier than it was before! I experience less internal struggle. What a relief it is--to live with that kind of freedom! I also enjoy Aubrey's bi-monthly moon sessions. While I am also a Light-Filled Astrologer, I appreciate the work and study Aubrey puts into her Full Moon and New Moon classes so that I have a "heads up" on any current energies going on, an opportunity to participate in her group clearings, and the ability to spend more time with my baby (because I'm spending a little less time studying the stars :) ) I recommend Aubrey to anyone who wants to see massive jumps in their quality of life...and I think that includes just about anyone! Oh and I'm Aquarius!"

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